Prof., PhD, DSc, Eng

Office:  301A CDWTCh 
Consultations:  -
tel.:  +48 61 665 27 86
email:  zenon.lukaszewski@put.poznan.pl

Recent papers:

Falkowski, P., Mrozek, P., Lukaszewski, Z., Oldak, L., Gorodkiewicz, E., An immunosensor for the determination of cathepsin S in blood plasma by array SPRi – a comparison of analytical properties of silver-gold and pure gold chips, Biosensors, 11(9)(2021)298.


Szymanska, B.; Lukaszewski, Z.; Zelazowska-Rutkowska, B.; Hermanowicz-Szamatowicz, K.; Gorodkiewicz, E. An SPRi Biosensor for Determination of the Ovarian Cancer Marker HE4 in Human Plasma. Sensors, 21(2021) 3567. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21103567


A.Sankiewicz, A.Hermanowicz, A.Grycz, Z.Lukaszewski, E.Gorodkiewicz, An SPR imaging immunosensor for leptin determination in blood plasma, Anal. Methods, 13(2021) 642.


P.Falkowski, Z.Lukaszewski, E.Gorodkiewicz, Potential of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors in cancer detection, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 194 (2021)113802


L.Oldak, A.Sankiewicz, B.Żelazowska-Rutkowska, B.Cylwik , Z.Lukaszewski, M.Skoczylas, E.Gorodkiewicz, Two SPRi biosensors for the determination of cathepsin S in blood plasma, Talanta, 225(2021)121900


B.Szymanska , Z.Lukaszewski , K.Hermanowicz-Szamatowicz, E.Gorodkiewicz, An immunosensor for the determination of carcinoembryonic antigen by Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging, Anal. Biochem, 609(2020)113964


T.Guszcz, B.Szymanska, R.Kozlowski, Z.Lukaszewski, P.Laskowski, E.Gorodkiewicz, Plasma aromatase as a sensitive and selective potential bladder cancer biomarker and the enzyme role in tumorigenesis, Oncology Letters, 19(2020)562-568.


B.Szymanska, Z.Lukaszewski, K.Hermanowicz-Szamotowicz, E.Gorodkiewicz, A biosensor for determination of the circulating biomarker CA125/MUC16 by Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging, Talanta, 206(2020)120187 (on line)


E. Gorodkiewicz, Z. Lukaszewski, Surface Plasmone Resonance Biosensors, Austin J. Biosen. Bioelectr.,  5(2019) 1034.


E.Gorodkiewicz, Z.Lukaszewski, Recent progress in surface plasmon resonance biosensors (2016-MID 2018), Biosensors, 8(4)(2018)132


Department of General and Analytical Chemistry

Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry


    Faculty of Chemical Technology, Institute of Chemistry and Technical Electrochemistry, ul. Berdychowo 4, 60-965 Poznań, +48 61 665 30 14